SUNDAY, 24 APRIL, 1 – 4 pm
A Celebration of spring, wine, merriment, and Kalchē's newest release, Touch of Noir.
Join Kalchē Wine Co., Poppy Café, Wilder Wines, Salt & Bubbles, and Hotel Vermont on the Brick terrace.
Dionysus is the Greek god of wine & merriment (Bacchus in Roman mythology) and represents sap/juice/lifeblood in nature. In antiquity the festival of Dionysus (Dionysia) would occur at the start of spring when grapevines would begin bearing leaves. Much of these festivities were centered around theater and most of the great Greek plays that are still known today were written to be performed at Dionysia. Come by and see our modern take on this ancient celebration!
Planning on coming? Let us know here.
@kalchewineco @ wilderwinesvt @ saltandbubbleswine @poppy. cafe @hotelvermont